Let's go over why pellet grills can end up being some of the best bbq grills to own. Not only are they not as expensive as you think (or you can find them used), but they're also an investment if you love to grill.

Why Pellet Grills Are The Future
If you've ever been outside on a nice, sunny day, you may have noticed the unique smell of meat grilling in the distance. Wherever you've been exposed to meat, you have also been enlightened on the different ways to cook it: over an open fire, with a propane or charcoal grill, or with pellet grills.
Although they seem like a new invention, pellet grills have actually been around since the 1980s. Powered by electricity and fueled by compressed wood pellets, they operate by allowing an auger to push compressed wood into a firepot where a temperature gauge and fan work in tandem for better heat. In 2016, about $1.47 billion worth of grills and barbecues were sold in the United States alone.
Let's go over why pellet grills can end up being some of the best bbq grills to own. Not only are they not as expensive as you think (or you can find them used), but they're also an investment if you love to grill. If you want to cook meats correctly and to perfection, you must possess the proper tools for the job.
They Simplify Smoking Meats
For those grill masters out there that are into smoking meats, looking at pellet grills may be your kryptonite. Instead of having to monitor all sorts of environmental conditions in order to get the perfect smoked meat, you can "set it and forget it" with a pellet grill. Since the vast majority of pellet grills are equipped with onboard computers that monitor temperature, smoking meats has never been easier.
Wonderful Smart Controls
As we've mentioned before, many of the pellet grills on the market today have a vast array of smart controls to help you out. Besides having an onboard computer system to monitor when wood should be added to maintain temperature, many grills on the market today will connect to your home's WiFi network. This will allow you to monitor the grill from afar. Whether it's on a phone app or directly from the grill's controls, you'll be the master of the meats with how easy pellet grills make cooking food.
Effortless Ignition
Since pellet grills are mainly run by electricity, this results in almost effortless ignition capabilities. Once the wood pellets are safely within the fire pot, simply pressing a button and igniting the compressed wood pellets is a breeze. Requiring no lighter fluid, long matches, or lighters, there is little to no risk in trying to ignite a pellet grill. This makes it a good choice for those with pets, children, or older individuals that don't want to deal with the fire hazards of a regular grill.
Unbelievable Consistency
Because they are equipped with fan systems and a monitoring computer, pellet grills are known for having consistent heat no matter what. Whether you have them on for one hour or twelve, they remain able to stay at a steady and consistent heat for your grilling benefit with minimal effort required from you.
Amazing Fuel Efficiency
Did you know that a bag of compressed wood pellets will run you around $20? At their even burn rate, most experts calculate this to be around $1 per hour of cooking time, with around 50 hours in each bag. For a comparison, a $30 propane tank will net you around 20 hours of cook time, and charcoal or coal grills are even less efficient. If you cook a lot of meat (or other things), it can be well worth your money to invest in a pellet grill.
When you want to take your grilling game to the next level, pellet grills are the wave of the future. Rely on Brooksies Propane for the best pellet grills Phoenix has to offer.